The Sanctum Book One: The Girl by Madhuri Blaylock

Another review of THE GIRL and interview with yours truly

Ink and Paper

“I am one thousand percent a girl. A most powerful, awesome, brilliant girl who can destroy you with a thought. I can creep into your mind and persuade you to kill yourself. I am immune to your silly, little Raven blades and Shields of the Gods. I am smarter than your most intelligent officers” -Dev

You know, maybe it’s just my crappy choices, but it’s hard for me to find a decent urban fantasy with a badass protagonist (or good fight scenes). Which is too bad, because I love them. And The Girl by Madhuri Blaylock has them.

The Sanctum is an organization founded by ten families to deal with Magicals (wizards, vampires, trolls, etc.). In New York, two of their Class A Warriors, Wyatt and Ryker, are sent to hunt down a hybrid demon that is said to be very dangerous. When they find her, however, things go a…

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  1. Pingback: Blog Tour & Review: ‘The Sanctum’ (The Girl) by Madhuri Blaylock | D'eBook Sharing Book Reviews

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